Portland Mediumship

Portland MediumshipFor those seeking Portland Mediumship, be sure to check out Lana the Medium. Lana is a natural Psychic Medium from Dallas, Texas who has been connecting with spirit all her life.

Because of a lack of encouragement due to her religious upbringing, Lana was discouraged from talking about what she saw as a child. Once she began to learn more about healing, she once again began connecting with spirit and has not looked back.

Portland Mediumship Sessions

Portland Mediumship sessions with Lana provide messages from loved ones who have crossed over, which brings peace to those they left behind. The messages typically include evidence that Lana is connected with their loved ones as well as messages of love, encouragement and even warnings. While these messages provide her clients with a knowing that a part of their loved ones still lives on, the grieving process takes time, though a reading with Lana can help that process to progress more smoothly.

If you are looking for Mediumship in Portland, you need to consider working with Lana the Medium. While Lana is located in a small town in East Texas, she works with many clients online over Zoom and Skype and she has limited availability at Lana’s Healing Center in East Texas. Since she is connecting with your loved ones in spirit, the session does not need to be in person. Portland Mediumship sessions are just as effective online as they are in person. Check Lana’s Schedule for availability.

Lana has traveled to England many times to study at Arthur Findley College and learn from other well known mediums in Europe and Australia as well as here in the US. She has also attended online year long training classes with the most experienced mediums in the world.

Visit Beyond Here and Now, another  one of Lana’s other sites, to find out more about Lana the Medium, Portland Mediumship, Tarot Readings and Trance Healing.